The Artist

Ever since I was born I held a pencil in my hand. It was evident that I would go to the Royal Art Academy in The Hague to become an artist. But nobody warned me that this meant a life of praises and poverty.

From my earliest exhibitions on I showed theme-series.

During extended travels through Middle America I made a series about the MAYA ICONOGRAPHY of which I am still very proud.

On the other hand I was fascinated by MOVIES and SHOWBIZ and created a series including Liza Minnelli, Eartha Kitt, Milva, Quentin Crisp and the notorious Dutch style icon Mathilde Willink, later shown in books and tv-documentary.

After the romance of poverty wore off – “there is a time to be artistic and a time to be realistic (Burt Reynolds)” – I started  ILLUSTRATING WORK. Hard work, but rewarding. In a few years I learned more about painting, printing and the bussiness than in all the academy years.

In 1995 I decided to return into the art world with my PLAYFUL EROTICISM, a major theme in my work. It was an immediate success at the 1998 GayGames in Amsterdam. That same year I won First Prize Public Award during the Jesus Mystery Exhibition.

The appeal of my BODYSCAPES lies in the fact that I leave something to the imagination of the viewer. Everybody has his own beauty-ideal and I think it is the right, if not the obligation, of an artist to exploit his. But with discovering Caravaggio (thanks to Derek jarman)  I became more  interested in dramatic paintings, which started my MYTHOLOGY Series.

At that time the INTERNET came along and through my website I became able to show my work world wide. Suddenly collectors from Alaska to New York to Curacao purchased my work.

In 2004 I had the honor to portray five DUTCH THEATER PERSONALITIES. As a follow-up I started painting SELF-PORTRAITS.

Since 2013 I became seriously interested in disciplines like Film and Music and I started creating SOUNDSCAPES to accompany my work-videos.

In November 2014 a collection of my best works was published in the book THE ART OF MAURICE HEERDINK.

My spending more and more time in nature resulted in several WATERSCAPES.

In 2018 I met Berlin artist RONNY STREHMANN.  Our collaboration is resulting, among others, in MUSIC VIDEOS and SHORTFILMS.

– Maurice Heerdink

Maurice paints, draws, writes, illustrates, photographs, films, makes music, teaches and speaks in public.

He lives in The Netherlands.